Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Starting and Quitting Audio

There are several ways to start Audio:

To Start Audio From the Front Panel

    If Audio has been installed in the Front Panel (either directly in the Front Panel or in the Personal Applications subpanel), click the Audio icon to start the application.


To install Audio in the Front Panel, see "To Put an Application Icon in the Front Panel" for instructions.

To Start Audio From the Command Line

You can start Audio and open files directly from the command line.

    Type sdtaudio to start Audio.


    Type sdtaudio filename to start Audio and open a specific file.

To Start Audio From the Workspace Programs Menu

  1. Place the mouse pointer anywhere on the background of the desktop (the workspace) and click mouse button 3.

    The Workspace menu appears.

  2. Choose Programs, and then choose Audio from the Programs submenu.

    The Audio main window is displayed.Graphic

To Exit Audio

    Choose Exit from the File menu or Close from the Window menu, or hold down the Alt key and press the F4 key with the mouse cursor over the Audio main window to exit Audio.