Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

To Change the Order Icons Are Sorted

  1. Choose Set View Options from the View menu.

  2. Select the sort order you prefer from the Order box, and the direction from the Direction box.

    • Alphabetically: A to Z (Ascending) or Z to A (Descending). Icons with names that start with capital letters appear first. Icons with names that start with lowercase letters are at the bottom.

    • By File Type: By object type. For example, files, folders and actions are different types of objects. Within each group of the same type, the icons are sorted alphabetically (based on the order the data types are read into the database).

    • By Date: By date the files were last modified, oldest to newest (Ascending) or newest to oldest (Descending).

    • By Size: By file size, smallest to largest (Ascending) or largest to smallest (Descending).

  3. Click OK or Apply.

    If you have Placement set to As Placed, icons are sorted only when you choose Clean Up from the View menu or when you click Apply in the Set View Options dialog box. If Placement is set to Rows and Columns, the icons are sorted each time there's a change to the folder's contents, or when you choose Update from the View menu.