Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

Removable Media Manipulation Skills

This section describes tasks that you can perform using diskettes and CD-ROMs with File Manager.

To View Files and Folders on a Diskette

  1. Insert the diskette into a disk drive.

  2. Select Open Floppy from the Folders subpanel on the Front Panel, or from the File Manager File menu.

    If the diskette is formatted and readable by the system, File Manager displays a view of the diskette's contents. If the diskette is unformatted or is unreadable by the system, File Manager displays the Unreadable Floppy dialog box.

    Note -

    If your system has more than one disk drive, File Manager opens one window for each readable diskette you insert when you choose Open Floppy from the File menu.

To View Files and Folders on a CD-ROM

    Insert the CD-ROM into a CD-ROM drive.

File Manager displays a window containing a view of the CD-ROM contents.

If you close the CD-ROM's File Manager window, you can reopen it by selecting Open CD-ROM from either the File Manager File menu or from the Folders Subpanel on the Front Panel.

To Format a Diskette

  1. Choose Format Floppy from the diskette's File Manager window File menu.

    The Format Floppy dialog box appears.

  2. Select one of the three formatting options (UNIX, MS-DOS, NEC-DOS).

  3. Click Format or press Return.

  4. Optional. To rename the diskette, type the new name in the Floppy Name text field and press Return.

To Rename a Diskette

  1. Choose Rename Floppy from the diskette's File Manager window File menu.

    The Rename Floppy dialog box appears.

  2. Type the new name in the Floppy Name text field.

  3. Click Rename or press Return.

To Eject a Diskette or CD-ROM

  1. Choose Eject from the File Manager window File menu.

  2. Remove the diskette or CD-ROM from the disk drive.

To Copy Files or Folders to a Diskette

  1. Select the icon for the file or folder you want to copy.

  2. Choose Copy to from the Selected menu.

    The Copy Object dialog box appears.

  3. Type a full path name in the Destination Folder text field.

    Use /floppy as the directory name. For example, if you want to copy the file report onto a diskette named john, you would type /floppy/john.

  4. Type the file or folder name in the Name for copy text field.

    In the above example, you would type report.

  5. Click OK or press Return.

    Note -

    You cannot copy files or folders to a CD-ROM.

To Move Files or Folders to a Diskette

  1. Select the icon for the file or folder you want to move.

  2. Choose Move to from the Selected menu.

    The Move Object dialog box appears.

  3. Type a full path name in the Destination Folder text field.

    Use /floppy as the directory name. For example, if you want to move the file report onto a diskette named john, you would type /floppy/john.

  4. Click OK or press Return.

    Note -

    You cannot move files or folders to a CD-ROM.

To Delete Files or Folders From a Diskette

To Create Files and Folders on a Diskette

  1. Choose New File or New Folder from the File menu.

  2. Type a name in the New File Name field of the New File dialog box or New Folder Name field of the New Folder dialog box.

  3. Click OK or press Return.

    To close the New File or New Folder dialog box without creating a new file or folder, click Cancel or press Escape.

    Note -

    You cannot create files or folders on a CD-ROM.