Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

To Specify Which Data Types Are Hidden

  1. Choose Set Filter Options from the View menu.

    Data types that have already been chosen to be hidden are highlighted.

  2. In the Select File Types to be Hidden box, select the data types you want to be hidden. File types that are already being hidden are highlighted.

    Or, to reset the default filter list (DOT_FILE, DOT_FOLDER, and CURRENT_FOLDER), click Defaults.

  3. Optional. Type a name pattern into the Also Hide (Optional) field specifying additional file and folder names to be hidden.

    The filter list specifies which files are not to be displayed. If you select all object types or type * into the Filter String field, then no files are displayed. If you type *.txt, then any file whose name ends in .txt will be added to the filter list and not displayed.

    Advanced users: The Filter String may be any regular expression. Refer to the regexp(5) man page for more information.

  4. Click OK.

    If you want to view the results before closing the dialog box, click Apply.

    To reset to the default filter list, choose Defaults. This resets the default values but does not apply them until you click Apply or OK.