Solaris Common Desktop Environment: User's Guide

UNIX Key Bindings

UNIXTM key bindings enable you to use a set of extended Emacs keys, such as Alt+B (back word) or Control+N (next line), in Text Editor. To enable UNIX key bindings (which are set off by default) you edit a file in your home directory.

To Enable UNIX Key Bindings

  1. Add the following line to the .Xdefaults file in your home directory:

           #include "/usr/dt/app-defaults/language/UNIXbindings"

    Replace language with the name of your language environment.

    If the .Xdefaults file does not exist, create the file in your home directory.

  2. Log out of your current session.

  3. Log in and restart Text Editor.

    Some Text Editor menu accelerators conflict with UNIX key bindings. When UNIX key bindings are enabled, Text Editor provides alternate menu accelerators for these commands:


    Alternate Menu Accelerator 

    Find/Change (Control+F) 


    Paste (Control+V) 


    Print (Control+P) 

    No alternate accelerator 

    Undo (Control+Z) 


    If you want to modify these menu accelerators, copy the contents of the /usr/dt/app-defaults/language/UNIXbindings file into your .Xdefaults file and then make your changes.

    Note -

    When using UNIX key bindings, the Delete key deletes the previous character rather than the character that follows the cursor.