Programming Utilities Guide

Defining Types of Users

Aside from the differences between novice and experienced programmers, users can be defined by the way they use the TNF utilities.

Using Existing Probe Points

If you use the probe points that are shipped with your program or library, concentrate your reading on the prex and tnfdump sections. You can skip the instructions for inserting probes.

Debugging a Program

If you are debugging a program, read as far into the chapter as is useful for you. How much you read depends upon how complicated your tracing goals are.

Inserting Probe Points in a Library

If you are inserting probe points in a library that will be shipped, all the sections in this chapter are probably helpful. Also, be sure to give your customers information about your probe points.

Tracing Kernel Execution

A small number of TNF probes in the kernel record system calls, thread state transitions, page faults, swapping, and I/O. For the most part, you use the same procedures to trace the kernel as you use to trace a user-level process.