ONC+ Developer's Guide

Logic Diagram and Directory Structure

Figure F-2 is a logical diagram of the SAF. It illustrates how a single service access controller may spawn a number of port monitors on a per-system basis. This means that several monitors may be running concurrently, providing for the simultaneous operation of several different protocols.

Figure F-1 SAF Logical Framework


"/etc/saf/_sysconfig " is the corresponding directory structure diagram. Following the diagram is a description of the files and directories..

Figure F-2 SAF Directory Structure



The per-system configuration script.


The SAC's administrative file. Contains information about the port monitors for which the SAC is responsible.


The home directory for port monitor pmtag.


The per-port monitor configuration script for port monitor pmtag.


Port monitor pmtag's administrative file. Contains information about the services for which pmtag is responsible.


The file in which the per-service configuration script for service svctag (available through port monitor pmtag) is placed.


The file in which a port monitor writes its process id in the current directory and places an advisory lock on the file.


The file in which the port monitor receives messages from the sac and ../_sacpipe and sends return messages to the sac.


The SAC's log file.


The directory for files created by port monitor pmtag, for example its log file.