Transport Interfaces Programming Guide

Network Services in the Solaris Environment

The Solaris environment provides a large number of networking services based upon the Internet protocol suite (also loosely referred to as the TCP/IP protocol suite, described on "TCP/IP Internet Protocol Suite"). These services are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 TCP/IP Services


Service Description 


Address Resolution Protocol. Used to obtain the hardware network address corresponding to an IP address.  


Boot Protocol. Allows diskless systems to boot from a remote server. 


Domain Name System. Name service used by the Internet. Uses both TCP and UDP protocols. 


File Transfer Protocol. Reliable file transfer. Allows interactive transfer of ASCII and binary files. 


Internet Control Message Protocol. Used to relay error and control information. Used by TCP for flow control. 


Internet Protocol. The core protocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite. 


Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. Used primarily in diskless clients systems that have a hardware address but need to find out their IP address.  


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Electronic mail delivery protocol. 


Simple Network Management Protocol. Basis of many network management packages. Allows monitoring of activity throughout a network. 


Transmission Control Protocol. Reliable connection-oriented byte stream transport. 


Terminal emulation. Enables login and interactive session on a remote system. 


Trivial File Transfer Protocol. Simpler but less secure version of FTP. 


User Datagram Protocol. Unreliable connectionless datagram transport. 

In addition to the base protocols and services, the protocol suite also provides some commonly used utility applications (such as rcp, rsh, and rlogin) built on top of the Internet protocol suite.

The Solaris computing environment also provides heterogeneous distributed computing facilities in its ONC+ architecture. The ONC+ architecture is a set of services built on top of Sun's remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. The programming interfaces available in the ONC+ platform are described in the ONC+ Developer's Guide.