Multithreaded Programming Guide

How This Guide Is Organized

Chapter 1, Covering Multithreading Basics," gives a structural overview of threads implementation in this release.

Chapter 2, Basic Threads Programming," discusses the general POSIX threads library routines, emphasizing creating a thread with default attributes.

Chapter 3, Thread Create Attributes ," covers creating a thread with nondefault attributes.

Chapter 4, Programming with Synchronization Objects," covers the threads library synchronization routines.

Chapter 5, Programming with the Operating System," discusses changes to the operating system to support multithreading.

Chapter 6, Safe and Unsafe Interfaces ," covers multithreading safety issues.

Chapter 7, Compiling and Debugging," covers the basics of compiling and debugging multithreaded applications.

Chapter 8, Tools for Enhancing MT Programs," describes some of the tools available for gathering performance and debugging information about your multithreaded programs.

Chapter 9, Programming with Solaris Threads ," covers the Solaris threads (as opposed to POSIX threads) interfaces.

Chapter 10, Programming Guidelines," discusses issues that affect programmers writing multithreaded applications.

Appendix A, Sample Application - Multithreaded grep," shows how code can be designed for POSIX threads.

Appendix B, Solaris Threads Example: barrier.c," shows an example of building a barrier in Solaris threads.

Appendix C, MT Safety Levels: Library Interfaces," lists the safety levels of library routines.

You can find additional useful information about multithreaded programming by browsing the following World Wide Web (WWW) site: