Linker and Libraries Guide

Internal Versioning

A dynamic object can have associated with it one or more internal version definitions. Each version definition is commonly associated with one or more symbol names. A symbol name can only be associated with one version definition, however a version definition can inherit the symbols from other version definitions. Thus, a structure exists to define one or more independent, or related, version definitions within the object being created. As new changes are made to the object, new version definitions can be added to express these changes.

There are two consequences of providing version definitions within a shared object:

Creating a Version Definition

Version definitions commonly consist of an association of symbol names to a unique version name. These associations are established within a mapfile and supplied to the final link-edit of an object using the link-editor's -M option (this technique was introduced in the section "Reducing Symbol Scope").

A version definition is established whenever a version name is specified as part of the mapfile directive. In the following example two source files are combined, together with mapfile directives, to produce an object with a defined public interface:

$ cat foo.c
extern  const char * _foo1;

void foo1()
        (void) printf(_foo1);

$ cat data.c
const char * _foo1 = "string used by foo1()\n";

$ cat mapfile
SUNW_1.1 {                  # Release X
$ cc -o -M mapfile -G foo.o data.o
$ nm -x | grep "foo.$"
[33]    |0x0001058c|0x00000004|OBJT |LOCL |0x0  |17   |_foo1
[35]    |0x00000454|0x00000034|FUNC |GLOB |0x0  |9    |foo1

Here, the symbol foo1 is the only global symbol defined to provide the shared object's public interface. The special auto-reduction directive "*" causes the reduction of all other global symbols to have local binding within the object being generated (this directive is introduced in "Defining Additional Symbols"). The associated version name, SUNW_1.1, causes the generation of a version definition. Thus, the shared object's public interface consists of the internal version definition SUNW_1.1, associated with the global symbol foo1.

Whenever a version definition, or the auto-reduction directive, are used to generate an object, a base version definition is also created. This base version is defined using the name of the file itself, and is used to associate any reserved symbols generated by the link-editor (see "Generating the Output Image" for a list of these reserved symbols).

The version definitions contained within an object can be displayed using pvs(1) with the -d option:

$ pvs -d;

Here, the object has an internal version definition named SUNW_1.1, together with a base version definition

Note -

The link-editor's -z noversion option allows mapfile directed symbol reduction to be performed but suppresses the creation of version definitions.

Starting with this initial version definition, it is possible for the object to evolve by adding new interfaces and updated functionality. For example, a new function, foo2, together with its supporting data structures, can be added to the object by updating the source files foo.c and data.c:

$ cat foo.c
extern  const char * _foo1;
extern  const char * _foo2;

void foo1()
        (void) printf(_foo1);

void foo2()
        (void) printf(_foo2);

$ cat data.c
const char * _foo1 = "string used by foo1()\n";
const char * _foo2 = "string used by foo2()\n";

A new version definition, SUNW_1.2, can be created to define a new interface representing the symbol foo2. In addition, this new interface can be defined to inherit the original version definition SUNW_1.1.

The creation of this new interface is important as it identifies the evolution of the object and enables users to verify and select the interfaces to which they bind. These concepts are covered in more detail in "Binding to a Version Definition" and in "Specifying a Version Binding".

The following example shows the mapfile directives that create these two interfaces:

$ cat mapfile
SUNW_1.1 {                   # Release X

SUNW_1.2 {                   # Release X+1
} SUNW_1.1;

$ cc -o -M mapfile -G foo.o data.o
$ nm -x | grep "foo.$"
[33]    |0x00010644|0x00000004|OBJT |LOCL |0x0  |17   |_foo1
[34]    |0x00010648|0x00000004|OBJT |LOCL |0x0  |17   |_foo2
[36]    |0x000004bc|0x00000034|FUNC |GLOB |0x0  |9    |foo1
[37]    |0x000004f0|0x00000034|FUNC |GLOB |0x0  |9    |foo2

Here, the symbols foo1 and foo2 are both defined to be part of the shared object's public interface. However, each of these symbols is assigned to a different version definition; foo1 is assigned to SUNW_1.1, and foo2 is assigned to SUNW_1.2.

These version definitions, their inheritance, and their symbol association can be displayed using pvs(1) together with the -d, -v and -s options:

$ pvs -dsv
        SUNW_1.2:               {SUNW_1.1}:

Here, the version definition SUNW_1.2 has a dependency on the version definition SUNW_1.1.

The inheritance of one version definition by another is a useful technique that reduces the version information that will eventually be recorded by any object that binds to a version dependency. Version inheritance is covered in more detail in the section "Binding to a Version Definition".

Any internal version definition will have an associated version definition symbol created. As shown in the previous pvs(1) example, these symbols are displayed when using the -v option.

Creating a Weak Version Definition

Internal changes to an object that do not require the introduction of a new interface definition, can be defined by creating a weak version definition. Examples of such changes are bug fixes or performance improvements.

Such a version definition is empty, in that it has no global interface symbols associated with it.

For example, if the data file data.c, used in the previous examples, is updated to provide more detailed string definitions:

$ cat data.c
const char * _foo1 = "string used by function foo1()\n";
const char * _foo2 = "string used by function foo2()\n";

then a weak version definition can be introduced to identify this change:

$ cat mapfile
SUNW_1.1 {                   # Release X

SUNW_1.2 {                   # Release X+1
} SUNW_1.1;

SUNW_1.2.1 { } SUNW_1.2;     # Release X+2

$ cc -o -M mapfile -G foo.o data.o
$ pvs -dv;
        SUNW_1.2:                {SUNW_1.1};
        SUNW_1.2.1 [WEAK]:       {SUNW_1.2};

Here, the empty version definition is signified by the weak label. These weak version definitions allow applications to verify the existence of a particular implementation by binding to the version definition associated with that functionality. The section "Binding to a Version Definition" illustrates how these definitions can be used in more detail.

Defining Unrelated Interfaces

The previous examples have shown how new version definitions added to an object have inherited any existing version definitions. It is also possible to create version definitions that are unique and independent. In the following example, two new files, bar1.c and bar2.c, are added to the object These files contribute two new symbols, bar1 and bar2, respectively:

$ cat bar1.c
extern  void foo1();

void bar1()
$ cat bar2.c
extern  void foo2();

void bar2()

These two symbols are intended to define two new public interfaces. Neither of these new interfaces are related to each other, however each expresses a dependency on the original SUNW_1.2 interface.

The following mapfile definition creates this required association:

$ cat mapfile
SUNW_1.1 {                   # Release X

SUNW_1.2 {                   # Release X+1
} SUNW_1.1;

SUNW_1.2.1 { } SUNW_1.2;     # Release X+2

SUNW_1.3a {                  # Release X+3
} SUNW_1.2;

SUNW_1.3b {                  # Release X+3
} SUNW_1.2;

Again, the version definitions created in using this mapfile, and their related dependencies, can be inspected using pvs(1):

$ cc -o -M mapfile -G foo.o bar.o data.o
$ pvs -dv;
        SUNW_1.2:                {SUNW_1.1};
        SUNW_1.2.1 [WEAK]:       {SUNW_1.2};
        SUNW_1.3a:               {SUNW_1.2};
        SUNW_1.3b:               {SUNW_1.2};

The following sections explore how these version definition recordings can be used to verify runtime binding requirements and control the binding requirements of an object during its creation.

Binding to a Version Definition

When a dynamic executable or shared object is built against other shared objects, these dependencies are recorded in the resulting object (see "Shared Object Processing" and "Recording a Shared Object Name" for more details). If these shared object dependencies also contain version definitions then an associated version dependency will be recorded in the resulting object.

The following example takes the data files from the previous section and generates a shared object suitable for a compile time environment. This shared object,, will be used in following binding examples:

$ cc -o -h -M mapfile -G foo.o bar.o \
$ ln -s
$ pvs -dsv
        SUNW_1.2:                {SUNW_1.1}:
        SUNW_1.2.1 [WEAK]:       {SUNW_1.2}:
        SUNW_1.3a:               {SUNW_1.2}:
        SUNW_1.3b:               {SUNW_1.2}:

In effect, there are six public interfaces being offered by this shared object. Four of these interfaces (SUNW_1.1, SUNW_1.2, SUNW_1.3a and SUNW_1.3b) define a set of functions, one interface (SUNW_1.2.1) describes an internal implementation change to the shared object, and one interface ( defines several reserved labels. Dynamic objects that build with this object will record which of these interfaces they bind to.

The following example builds an application that references both symbols foo1 and foo2. The versioning dependency information recorded in the application can be examined using pvs(1) with the -r option:

$ cat prog.c
extern void foo1();
extern void foo2();

$ cc -o prog prog.c -L. -R. -lfoo
$ pvs -r prog (SUNW_1.2, SUNW_1.2.1);

In this example, the application prog has really bound to the two interfaces SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.2, as these interfaces have provided the global symbols foo1 and foo2 respectively.

However, since version definition SUNW_1.1 is defined within as being inherited by the version definition SUNW_1.2, it is only necessary to record the latter version dependency. This normalization of version definition dependencies reduces the amount of version information that must be maintained within an object and processed at runtime.

Since the application prog was built against the shared object's implementation containing the weak version definition SUNW_1.2.1, this dependency is also recorded. Even though this version definition is defined to inherit the version definition SUNW_1.2, the version's weak nature precludes its normalization with SUNW_1.1, and results in a separate dependency recording.

Had there been multiple weak version definitions that inherit from each other then these definitions will be normalized in the same manner as non-weak version definitions are.

Note -

The recording of a version dependency can be suppressed by the link-editor's -z noversion option.

Having recorded these version definition dependencies, the runtime linker validates the existence of the required version definitions in the objects bound to when the application is executed. This validation can be displayed using ldd(1) with the -v option. For example, by running ldd(1) on the application prog, the version definition dependencies are shown to be found correctly in the shared object

$ ldd -v prog

   find; required by prog =>   ./
   find; (SUNW_1.2) =>            ./ (SUNW_1.2.1) =>          ./

Note -

ldd(1) with the -v option implies verbose output, in that a recursive list of all dependencies, together with all versioning requirements, will be generated.

If a non-weak version definition dependency cannot be found, a fatal error will occur during application initialization. Any weak version definition dependency that cannot be found is silently ignored. For example, if the application prog was run in an environment in which only contained the version definition SUNW_1.1, then the following fatal error will occur:

$ pvs -dv;
$ prog prog: fatal: version `SUNW_1.2' not \
found (required by file prog)

Had the application prog not recorded any version definition dependencies, the nonexistence of the required interface symbol foo2 will have manifested itself sometime during the execution of the application as a fatal relocation error (see "Relocation Errors"). This relocation error might occur at process initialization, during process execution, or might not occur at all if the execution path of the application did not call the function foo2.

Recording version definition dependencies provides an alternative, and immediate indication of the availability of the interfaces required by the application.

If the application prog was run in an environment in which only contained the version definitions SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.2, then all non-weak version definition requirements will be satisfied. The absence of the weak version definition SUNW_1.2.1 is deemed nonfatal, and so no runtime error condition will be generated. However, ldd(1) can be used to display all version definitions that cannot be found:

$ pvs -dv;
        SUNW_1.2:                {SUNW_1.1};
$ prog
string used by foo1()
string used by foo2()
$ ldd prog =>   ./ (SUNW_1.2.1) =>          (version not found)

Note -

If an object requires a version definition from a given dependency, and at runtime an implementation of that dependency is found that contains no version definition information, the version verification of the dependency will be silently ignored. This policy provides a level of backward compatibility as the transition from non-versioned to versioned shared objects is taken. ldd(1) however, can still be used to display any version requirement discrepancies.

Verifying Versions in Additional Objects

Version definition symbols also provide a mechanism for verifying the version requirements of an object obtained by dlopen(3X). Any object added to the process's address space using this function will have no automatic version dependency verification carried out by the runtime linker. Thus, it is the responsibility of the caller of this function to verify that any versioning requirements are met.

The presence of a required version definition can be verified by looking up the associated version definition symbol using dlsym(3X). The following example shows the shared object being added to a process by dlopen(3X) and verified to insure that the interface SUNW_1.2 is available:

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        <dlfcn.h>
    void *       handle;
    const char * file = "";
    const char * vers = "SUNW_1.2";
    if ((handle = dlopen(file, RTLD_LAZY)) == NULL) {
            (void) printf("dlopen: %s\n", dlerror());
            exit (1);
    if (dlsym(handle, vers) == NULL) {
            (void) printf("fatal: %s: version `%s' not found\n",
                 file, vers);
            exit (1);

Specifying a Version Binding

When building a dynamic object against a shared object containing version definitions, it is possible to instruct the link-editor to limit the binding to specific version definitions. Effectively, the link-editor allows you to control an object's binding to specific interfaces.

An object's binding requirements can be controlled using a file control directive. This directive is supplied using the link-editor's -M option and an associated mapfile. The syntax for these file control mapfile directives is shown below:

name - version [ version ... ] [ $ADDVERS=version ];

There are a couple of scenarios where this binding control can be useful:

The following is an example of using the version control mechanism. This example uses the shared object containing the following version interface definitions:

$ pvs -dsv
        SUNW_1.2:           {SUNW_1.1}:

The version definitions SUNW_1.1 and SUNW_1.2 represent interfaces within that were made available in software ReleaseX and ReleaseX+1 respectively.

An application can be built to bind only to the interfaces available in ReleaseX by using the following version control mapfile directive:

$ cat mapfile - SUNW_1.1;

For example, if you develop an application, prog, and wish to insure that the application will run on ReleaseX, then the application can only use the interfaces available in that release. If the application mistakenly references the symbol bar, then the application's noncompliance to the required interface will be signalled by the link-editor as an undefined symbol error:

$ cat prog.c
extern void foo1();
extern void bar();

$ cc -o prog prog.c -M mapfile -L. -R. -lfoo
Undefined           first referenced
 symbol                 in file
bar                     prog.o  (symbol belongs to unavailable \
                        version ./ (SUNW_1.2))
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to prog

To be compliant with the SUNW_1.1 interface, you must remove the reference to bar. This can be achieved either by reworking the application to remove the requirement on bar, or by adding an implementation of bar to the build of the application.

Binding to Additional Version Definitions

Sometimes it is desirable to record additional version dependencies than would be produced from the normal symbol binding of an object. This can be achieved using the $ADDVERS file control directive. This section describes a couple of scenarios where this additional binding may be useful.

Continuing with the example, assume that in ReleaseX+2 the version definition SUNW_1.1 is subdivided into two standard releases STAND_A and STAND_B. To preserve compatibility, the SUNW_1.1 version definition must be maintained, but now it is expressed as inheriting the two standard definitions:

$ pvs -dsv
        SUNW_1.1:           {STAND_A, STAND_B}:
        SUNW_1.2:           {SUNW_1.1}:

If we continued to build our application prog so that its only requirement is the interface symbol foo1 it will have a single dependency on the version definition STAND_A. This precludes running prog on a system where is less than ReleaseX+2 as the version definition STAND_A did not exist in previous releases, even though the interface foo1 did.

Therefore, the application prog can be built to align its requirement with previous releases by creating a dependency on SUNW_1.1 by using the following file control directive:

$ cat mapfile - SUNW_1.1 $ADDVERS=SUNW_1.1;
$ cat prog
extern void foo1();

$ cc -M mapfile -o prog prog.c -L. -R. -lfoo
$ pvs -r prog (SUNW_1.1);

This explicit dependency is sufficient to encapsulate the true dependency requirements and satisfy compatibility with older releases.

In "Creating a Weak Version Definition" it was described how weak version definitions can be used to mark an internal implementation change. These version definitions are well suited to indicate bug fixes and performance improvements made to an object. If the existence of a weak version is required for the correct execution of an application, then an explicit dependency on this version definition can be generated.

Establishing such a dependency can be important when a bug fix, or performance improvement, is critical for the application to function correctly.

Continuing with the example, assume a bug fix is incorporated as the weak version definition SUNW_1.2.1 in software ReleaseX+3:

$ pvs -dsv
        SUNW_1.1:           {STAND_A, STAND_B}:
        SUNW_1.2:           {SUNW_1.1}:
        SUNW_1.2.1 [WEAK]:  {SUNW_1.2}:

Normally, if an application is built against this shared object, it will record a weak dependency on the version definition SUNW_1.2.1. This dependency is informational only, in that it will not cause termination of the application should the version definition not be found in the used at runtime.

The file control directive $ADDVERS can be used to generate an explicit dependency on a version definition. If this definition is weak, then this explicit reference also causes the version definition to be promoted to a strong dependency.

Therefore, the application prog can be built to enforce the requirement that the SUNW_1.2.1 interface be available at runtime by using the following file control directive:

$ cat mapfile - SUNW_1.1 $ADDVERS=SUNW_1.2.1;
$ cat prog
extern void foo1();

$ cc -M mapfile -o prog prog.c -L. -R. -lfoo
$ pvs -r prog (SUNW_1.2.1);

Here, prog has been built with an explicit dependency on the interface STAND_A. Because the version definition SUNW_1.2.1 is promoted to a strong version, it is also normalized with the dependency STAND_A. At runtime, if the version definition SUNW_1.2.1 cannot be found, a fatal error will be generated.

Note -

When working with one or two dependencies, explicit binding to a version definition can also be achieved by referencing the version definition symbol. This is most easily achieved by using the link-editors -u option. However, a symbol reference is nonselective, and when working with multiple dependencies, which may contain similarly named version definitions, this technique is insufficient to create explicit bindings.

Relocatable Objects

The preceding sections have described how version information can be recorded and used within dynamic objects. Relocatable objects can maintain versioning information in a similar manner, however there are one or two subtle differences in how this information is used.

Any version definitions supplied to the link-edit of a relocatable object are recorded in exactly the same format as has been described in previous examples. However, by default, symbol reduction is not carried out on the object being created. Instead, when the relocatable object is finally used as input to the generation of a dynamic object, the version recording itself will be used to determine the symbol reductions to apply.

In addition, any version definitions found in relocatable objects will be propagated to the dynamic object. For an example of version processing in relocatable objects see "Reducing Symbol Scope".