Solaris User's Guide

Composing Messages

Your email address is typically your login ID and your machine's host name, combined like this: name@host. If there is more than one domain on your network, you may need to append a domain name to the address as well. For instance, the name would appear in this format: name@host.domain. Check with your system administrator to make certain.

Others on your network will typically have the same address format. When you are certain of your email address, try sending a test message to yourself.

Composing a New Message

To compose a new message:

  1. In the Header window control area, click SELECT on Compose.

    The Compose Message window is displayed.

  2. Click SELECT on the To text field, and fill in the message header information.

    • Press Return as you complete each line

    • In the To and Cc text fields, separate multiple email addresses with a comma, a space, or both. For example: here@machine, there@elsewhere, outside@somewhere

    1. Type the topic in the Subject text field, and press Return.

    2. If desired, type email addresses of carbon copy recipients in the Cc text field.

      Separate the addresses with a comma, a space, or both.

  3. Move to the Text pane either by pressing Return or clicking SELECT in the Text pane.

    The dimmed insert point darkens to indicate it is active.

  4. Type your message.

    The Compose window Text pane uses standard text editing functions.

    Figure 4-12 shows a sample message.

    Figure 4-12 Addressing a Message


    To include an attachment, see "Sending Mail Attachments".

  5. To send the message, click SELECT on Deliver.

    The message is delivered, and the Compose window closes.

Replying to a Message

Replying to a message is similar to composing a message.

  1. In the Header window control area, press MENU on Reply.

  2. Choose the appropriate item for your recipient(s).

    The Compose Message window is displayed. Note the following:

    • The To and Subject text fields are filled out.

    • A copy of the original message is included only if you chose Reply To Sender, Include or Reply To All, Include.

  3. Type or edit your message and its header, and send the message.

    Refer to the section "Composing Messages".

Forwarding Messages to Third-Parties

You can forward a message to another person in two ways, depending on where you start from:

Forwarding a Message

To forward a message from the Header window:

  1. Select the message(s) you want to forward.

    • Click SELECT on the first message header.

    • Click ADJUST on additional message headers.

  2. Choose Forward from the Compose menu.

    The Compose Message window is displayed. Note the following:

    • The Subject text field is filled in. You need to fill in the other To text field, and if desired, the Cc text field.

    • The Text pane displays the original message.

    • The Attachments pane includes any attachments to the original message..

  3. Type your message, and send the entire new message.

    Refer to the section "Composing Messages".

Including a Message

To include a message from the Compose window.

  1. Compose your message.

  2. In the Header window, click SELECT on the header of the message(s) you want to include.

  3. In the Compose window, choose Bracketed or Indented (as you prefer) from the Include menu.

    Your choice determines the formatting of the original message:

    • Bracketed labels the beginning and end of the message.

    • Indented indents each line of the message and marks each line with a greater-than sign (>).

  4. To send the message, click SELECT on Deliver.