Solaris User's Guide

Editing a Mail File (Emptying, Renaming, Deleting)

You can empty a mail file, rename it, or delete it with the Edit menu of the Mail Files window.

To empty, rename, or delete a mail file, you first need to select the mail file in the scrolling list on the Mail Files window. If the mail file is in a subdirectory below the one displayed on the scrolling list, double-click SELECT on that subdirectory to display it. If the mail file is in a directory higher up from the one displayed in the scrolling list, double-click SELECT on the ..(Go up one folder) folder item until the mail file is in the scrolling list. When the mail file is in the scrolling list, click SELECT on the mail file to select it.

To delete a mail file, select the mail file in the Mail Files scrolling list, then choose Delete from the Edit menu. Mail Tool will give you a notice asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the mail file.

To empty a mail file, select the mail file in the Mail Files scrolling list, then choose Empty from the Edit menu. Mail Tool will give you a notice asking you to confirm that you really want to empty the mail file.

To rename a mail file, select the mail file in the Mail Files scrolling list, type the new name in the Name field, and then choose Rename from the Edit menu.