Solaris User's Guide

Modes of Operation

The Calculator has various modes of operation. The area below the window header displays the current number, followed by a mode line that displays the current mode settings.

Numeric Bases

You can set the numeric bases to Binary, Octal, Decimal, or Hexadecimal using the Base key pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 8-2. Press MENU on the Base key to display the menu.

Figure 8-2 Numeric Base Pop-up Menu


The current base setting is shown as the first item in the mode line. In Figure 8-2, "DEC" indicates Decimal base.

Up to 40 digits can be entered for each number, regardless of the base. If you need to enter a larger or smaller number, use the Exp key as discussed under "Number Manipulation Functions". The numeric keypad changes to display only those numbers appropriate to the current base mode. Inappropriate numbers are dimmed out. For example, in Figure 8-2 the hexadecimal letter keys (A-F) are dimmed. The numeric base in that figure is decimal, so the hexadecimal letters are not valid or accessible.

Figure 8-3 shows the keypads for both Binary and Hexadecimal numeric bases.

Figure 8-3 The Binary Keypad and Hexadecimal Keypad


Display Notation

You can choose to display Calculator results in Fixed point, Engineering, or Scientific notation by using the Disp (Display) key menu shown in Figure 8-4. Press MENU on the Disp key to display the menu.

Figure 8-4 Display Type Pop-up Menu for Display Notation Mode


The current display notation is displayed as the third item in the mode line. In Figure 8-4, the mode line shows FIX, indicating Fixed Point notation. When the current display notation is Engineering, ENG appears on the mode line. When the current notation is Scientific, SCI is displayed.

When the current notation is Fixed Point, the Calculator will revert to Scientific notation if a number is larger than the display will allow.

Major Calculator Modes

There are four major Calculator modes that determine the available functions:

You can choose these four modes using the Mode pop-up menu shown in Figure 8-5. Press MENU on the Mode key to display the menu. The default mode is Basic mode, which uses the standard keys on the Calculator window. The other three modes have extra buttons that appear in a pop-up window. For information on these modes, see "Financial Functions", "Logical Functions", and "Scientific Functions".

Figure 8-5 Mode Pop-up Menu


Figure 8-6 The Mode Menu


The current major mode is displayed on the mode line underneath and slightly to the left of the number display. In Figure 8-5, BASIC is listed as the current mode.

Number Manipulation Functions

The Calculator has 12 number manipulation functions, as shown in Figure 8-7.

Figure 8-7 Number Manipulation Functions
