Solaris User's Guide

Using the Workspace Properties Window

Here is an overview of the Workspace Properties window categories. They are discussed in detail in this chapter. Depending on the hardware capabilities of your display, the Workspace Properties window categories may have different choices available to you.

All of these items can be set through the Workspace Properties window.

  1. To open the Workspace Properties window, choose Workspace -> Properties.

    Depending on the hardware capabilities of your display, the Workspace Properties window categories may have different choices available to you. You choose the category you want to change from the Category menu.

  2. To view the Category menu, position the pointer on the Category menu button and press MENU.

    Figure 17-2 shows the Category menu.

    Figure 17-2 Category Menu


Change Bars

As you change settings, a vertical change bar is displayed to the left of the setting you have altered since the last time changes were implemented. This visual cue helps you track your changes.

Workspace Properties Window Buttons

The Workspace Properties window has three buttons:

Note -

To change settings in more than one category, be sure to select Apply before continuing to the next category. Unlike previous versions, this version of OpenWindows software treats changes to each category separately.