Solaris User's Guide

Using the Go To Text Field and Menu

The Go To menu includes a list of the folders that you have accessed since you started File Manager. Your home folder is the default item on this menu. The rest of the items on the menu show (a default of) ten of your most recently accessed folders. You can make the amount of items greater or smaller. You can change back to any of these folders by choosing the path to the folder from the Go To menu. You can also add your own items to the menu. For information on how to make these changes, refer to "Go To Menu Defaults".

When you know the path of the folder you want to open or the path and file name of a file that you want to select, you can type the path or the path and file name in the Go To text field. Then either press Return or SELECT the Go To button.

When a path is typed, the folder specified is opened and its contents are displayed in the file pane. When a path and file name are typed, the specified folder is opened, its contents are displayed in the file pane, and the file is located, scrolled into view, and selected.