Solaris User's Guide

Opening a Document

To open a document from an application:

  1. Choose Open from the File menu.

    An Open window similar to the one in Figure 1-26, is displayed.

  2. Select the name of the folder from the scrolling list.

    Click SELECT on the name of the folder, then click Open. Or, double-click on the name of the folder. If it is not displayed, double-click on "Go up one folder." You may need to repeat this a few times.

  3. Choose the folder that contains the document you want to open.

    The name of the folder must be displayed under Current Folder. To display the folder you can:

    1. Select the folder from the Go To menu by pressing MENU on Go To, then choosing the desired folder from the menu.


    2. Type the path name of the folder in the Go To text field and press Return, or click SELECT on the Go To button.

  4. When the scrolling list shows the contents of the folder, select the desired document and click SELECT on Open.

    You can also double-click on the name of the document.

    Note -

    You can use the same steps as opening a document for including a file from Text Editor or Attaching a file from Mail Tool. The result will be an included or attached file (or document).