Asian Application Developer's Guide


Asian Application Developer's Guide provides application development information specific to the operation of the following three separate Sun® products, which are identified generically as Asian SolarisTM software:

This documentation complements Sun's standard Common Desktop Environment (CDE) and Solaris base-release product documentation. It includes information that advanced users and developers can use to access and control the Korean or Chinese language-related features of Asian Solaris software.

Who Should Use This Book

You should already be familiar (but need not be expert) with Solaris, the windowing environment you are using, and their documentation.

You should read this manual if:

Before You Read This Book

Before you read this book, read Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide and Solaris Internationalization Guide for Developers for basic internationalization issues. You should also read an overview of your Asian Solaris product and last-minute changes not included in this document. The following documents contain this information:

How This Book Is Organized

Each chapter of Asian Application Developer's Guide addresses a different aspect of development for a Korean or Chinese feature of Asian Solaris software. Some chapters give step by step instructions for using or customizing product features.

Chapter 1, System Environment describes the Asian Solaris locale environments.

Chapter 2, Language Environment and Character Codes describes the mechanisms for handling different character sets and multiple code sets.

Chapter 3, The Codeset Conversion Utility describes the iconv library, a conversion utility for character-based code.

Chapter 4, Asian Solaris Fonts describes the fonts and font sets that come with the software and shows basic ways to use them.

Chapter 5, X Input Method Architecture describes the X Window input method architecture.

Chapter 6, Display PostScript System (DPS) explains how to use DPS for Asian font displays in the Asian Solaris operating environment.

Appendix A, OpenWindows Information describes information unique to OpenWindows environment programming.

Appendix B, Backward Compatibility Information describes utilities useful for backward compatibility.

Related Books

The following books are related to the topic of this book and may contain useful information.

For information on how to use the window system and associated applications, see:

For information on Asian Solaris system administration, see the system administration guide for your Asian Solaris localization.

What Typographic Changes Mean

The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.

Table P-1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Symbol 




The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output 

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% You have mail.



What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output 

machine_name% su



Command-line placeholder: 

replace with a real name or value 

To delete a file, type rm filename.


Book titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasized 

Read Chapter 6 in User's Guide. These are called class options.

You must be root to do this.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows the default system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.

Table P-2 Shell Prompts



C shell prompt 


C shell superuser prompt 


Bourne shell and Korn shell prompt 


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser prompt 
