Asian Application Developer's Guide

Asian Locale Files

Korean and Chinese locale-specific files and libraries are located in the following directories:

CDE Message Files

For details on how window system messages are generated and how to create message files for your own applications, see Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide.

Korean Messages

Files in the /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/ko and /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/ko.UTF-8 directories with .cat filename extensions contain messages used in Korean CDE.

Simplified Chinese Messages

Files in the /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/zh/ directory with .cat file name extensions contain messages used in Simplified Chinese CDE.

Traditional Chinese Messages

Files in the /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/zh_TW/ and /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/zh_TW.BIG5/ directories with .cat file name extensions contain messages used in Traditional Chinese CDE.

fonts Directory

The /usr/openwin/lib/locale/locale/X11/fonts directory holds the Korean or Chinese fonts (locale is ko, ko.UTF, zh, zh_TW, or zh_TW.BIG5). This directory must be in your font path in order to access Korean or Chinese fonts. (The xsession script that comes with the Asian Solaris operating environment includes this directory in the font path.) To add a different font directory path dynamically, type:

% xset +fp font_directory_path

print Directory

The /usr/dt/config/psfonts/locale/print directory contains locale-specific printing files (locale is ko, ko.UTF-8, zh, zh_TW, or zh_TW.BIG5). Most notable is the file, which is used by the CDE tools that come with the Korean or Chinese Solaris operating environment. For information on using, refer to the printing facilities chapters in the Asian Solaris user's guide appropriate to your Solaris operating environment.

app-defaults Directory

The /usr/dt/app-defaults/locale directory contains locale-specific resource files for CDE applications (locale is ko, ko.UTF-8, zh, zh_TW, or zh_TW.BIG5).

CDE Configuration Directory

The /usr/dt/config/locale directory contains locale-specific resource files for CDE applications (locale is ko, ko.UTF-8, zh, zh_TW, or zh_TW.BIG5).

CDE Action and Data Type Definition Directory

The /usr/dt/appconfig/types/locale directory contains locale-specific action and data type definition files for CDE (locale is ko, ko.UTF-8, zh, zh_TW, or zh_TW.BIG5).