Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (Intel Platform Edition)

Preconfiguration Information

Supported Settings

o IRQ Level: 

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 

o I/O Address: 


o DMA Channel: 

AHA-1542C, AHA-1542CF, and AHA-1542CP only:

o Synchronous Negotiation: 

Disabled for each CD-ROM drive target 

o Support for More Than Two DOS Drives:  


o Dynamically Scan SCSI Bus for BIOS Devices: 


Known Problems and Limitations

Because the Adaptec AHA-1542CP and the Solaris fdisk program may be incompatible, use the DOS version of FDISK (or equivalent utility) to create an entry in the FDISK partition table before installing the Solaris software. Create at least a 1-cylinder DOS partition starting at cylinder 0. If the DOS partition is not created, the system won't reboot after Solaris installation.