Information Library for Solaris 2.6 (Intel Platform Edition)

Hardware and Software Requirements

Before you start the installation process, verify that the system(s) on which you plan to install AnswerBook2 server software meet the hardware and software requirements listed in Table 9-2 and Table 9-3.

Table 9-2 Hardware and Software Requirements



Document server system hardware 

SPARCstation 2 or higher (SPARCstation 5 recommended)  

Intel-based personal computer 

Operating system 

Solaris 2.6 (for SPARC or x86, as appropriate) 

Admin GUI and AnswerBook2 client viewer 

Any HTML 3.2-compliant browser, such as HotJava, Netscape Navigator, or Lynx 

Table 9-3 Disk Space Requirements Table

Directory Path 




Contains executable files, server processing files, library files, and graphics and document source files for the product interface. 

19.5 Megabytes 


Contains catalog files and log files, if logging functions are enabled. 

0.01 Megabytes (grows according to amount of access to server) 


Server startup file 

0.01 Megabytes 

In addition, you need to set aside some amount of disk space for the actual book files. The exact amount of space depends on the specific collections.