A P P E N D I X  A

Configuration Worksheets

Use the worksheets in this appendix to help you collect the information you need to perform the installation. TABLE A-1 lists the information you need to collect to configure the array.

TABLE A-1 Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Configuration Worksheet

Controller A MAC address:



Controller B MAC address:



Controller A IP address:



Controller B IP address:



Management host IP address:



Network mask:



Name server domain name:



IP address of the domain name server (DNS):



Gateway IP address:



Email notification address:


TABLE A-2 lists the information you need to collect for each data host connected to the Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array.

TABLE A-2 Sun StorageTek 2500 Series Array Data Host Information

Host name:









Operating system:



Patch/Service pack:



Number of HBAs:


HBA World Wide Name (WWN):



HBA model:



HBA driver: