Processing an Order in a Purchase Order System

ProcedureTo create the WSDL using the New WSDL Document wizard

  1. From the Projects window, right-click the HTTP-SOAP-PO-BPEL project and select New > WSDL Document from the pop-up menu.

    The New WSDL Document wizard appears displaying the Name and Location page.

  2. Enter InventoryService as the file name.

  3. Select Concrete WSDL Document as the WSDL Type, SOAP as the Binding, and Document Literal as the Type. Click Next.

  4. From the Page 3 of the wizard, Abstract Configuration, do the following:

    1. For Operation Name, enter isInventoryAvailable.

    2. Leave the Operation Type as the default value, Request-Response Operation.

    3. For Input, enter purchaseOrder as the Message Part Name.

    4. For the input Element or Type value, browse to and select By File -> src/purchaseOrder.xsd -> Elements -> purchaseOrder as the value.

    5. For Output, enter inventoryStatus as the Message Part Name.

    6. For the output Element or Type value, browse to and select By File -> src/inventory.xsd -> Elements -> inventory as the value.

    7. Make sure that the Generate partnerlinktype automatically checkbox is selected, and click Next.

      Graphic displays the New WSDL Document Wizard, as described
in context.
    8. From page 4 of the wizard click Finish. The new WSDL is added to the project tree in the Projects window and the WSDL Editor appears in WSDL view.