Java CAPS JMS Reference

Redelivery Options

Progressive Delay

The format of such a delay is retries:delay, where the number of retries is counted from the original rollback and the delay time is given in milliseconds. The maximum allowed delay is five seconds (5000 ms). The following example shows a string that specifies a delay of 1000 milliseconds following five failed retries. In other words, it specifies no delay for the first five attempts at redelivery, then a one-second delay for each subsequent attempt.

Example 1


You can also cascade these delay actions to become progressively longer as the number of retries increases. Entries are separated by a semicolon followed by a space. The following example shows a string that specifies a one-second delay following five failed attempts at redelivery, ana a five second delay following a total of ten failed attempts.

Example 2

5:1000; 10:5000

Delay and Redirect

After a certain number of failed redelivery attempts, you may want to redirect the message to a different target destination, such as a dead-letter queue. The format for redirecting is retries:move(args), where the arguments can be queue:target, topic:target, or same:target.

The argument component same specifies the same kind of message destination as the message source. That is, if the message was received from a queue, it will be sent to a queue; if the message was received from a topic, it will be sent to a topic.

The argument component target can be any string and can include the character $, which is automatically replaced with the original destination name.

The following example shows a string that specifies a one-second delay following five failed attempts at redelivery, a 5–second delay following a total of ten failed attempts, then redirects the message to a dead-letter queue named mydlq after a total of 50 failed attempts.

Example 3

5:1000; 10:5000; 50:move(queue:mydlq)

The following example shows a string that specifies a one-second delay following five failed attempts at redelivery, a five second delay following a total of ten failed attempts, then redirects the message to a dead-letter queue after a total of 50 failed attempts. If the message was received from a source destination named Queue1, the message will be redirected to a target destination named dlqQueue1error.

Example 4

5:1000; 10:5000; 50:move(queue:dlq$error)

Delay and Delete

After a certain number of failed redelivery attempts, you may want to simply delete the message. The format for deleting is retries:delete. The following example shows a string that specifies a one-second delay following five failed attempts at redelivery, a five-second delay following a total of ten failed attempts, then deletes the message.

Example 5

5:1000; 10:5000; 50:delete