Installing Patches for Java CAPS

Uninstalling Java CAPS 6 Patches

This topic provides instructions on how to uninstall Java CAPS 6 patches. The tool informs you of a successful patch installation at the conclusion of the process. For information about patches and installation procedures, see Java CAPS 6 Patch Overview and Installing Java CAPS 6 Patches.

Note –

You do not need to run the uninstall script for normal failures.

ProcedureTo Uninstall a Java CAPS Patch

This procedure uninstalls a Java CAPS 6 patch using the format of nnnnnnn-nn for the patch number.

  1. Change directory to JavaCAPS6–INSTALL-DIR/caps-patch/util/bin.

  2. At the command line, enter ./caps-patch-uninstall patch-number, for example, nnnnnnn-nn.

    Where patch-number is the identifying number of the patch you are uninstalling.

    Note –

    For details about the script variables see Java CAPS 6 Patch Management Tools.