Developing Java CAPS Projects

Project Context Menu

The different components available to you to incorporate into a Project are represented in the Project context menu. Top-level Projects and Subprojects have context menus similar to those shown in the following figures. Additional menu options may be shown, depending upon what additional products you have installed.

Figure 6 Project Context Menu

Screen capture of a top-level Project context

Figure 7 Subproject Context Menu

Screen capture of Subproject context menu.

The various menu options are described in the following table.

Table 1 Project Context Menu Options





Adds a Subproject folder to the selected Project. You should limit the total number of Project/Subproject levels to 5.

Business Process 

Adds a Business Process to the selected Project. 

Collaboration Definition (Java) 

Presents the Collaboration Definition Wizard (Java), with which you can create a Java based Collaboration Definition. 

Connectivity Map 

Adds a Connectivity Map to the selected Project. 

Deployment Profile 

Presents a dialog with which you can create a Deployment Profile for the selected Project. 

Object Type Definition 

Presents the OTD Wizard, with which you can create an Object Type Definition (OTD) file. 

Page CSS 

Used with Sun Composite Page Designer. 

Page Flow 

Used with Sun Composite Page Designer. 

Page Layout 

Used with Sun Composite Page Designer. 

Page Link 

Used with Sun Composite Page Designer. 

Page Preferences 

Used with Sun Composite Page Designer. 


Adds a queue to the selected Project. 


Adds a topic to the selected Project. 

Variable or Constant 

Presents a dialog with which you can add a constant or variable icon to the selected Project. 

Web Service Definition 

Adds a WSDL document to the selected Project and opens the Web Services Designer. 

Web Services Application 

Adds a Web Services Application to the selected Project. 

Web Connector 

Adds a Web Connector to the selected Project. Used with Sun Business Process Manager. 

XML Schema Definition 

Adds an XML Schema Definition (XSD) to the selected Project and opens the XSD Editor. 

ACL Management 

Presents the ACL Properties dialog, in which an Administrator can assign read/write privileges to users for the selected Project.

Version Control 

Check In 

Presents a dialog with which you can check in a new version of the selected Project. 

Check Out 

Presents a dialog with which you can check out the current version of the selected Project. 


Presents a dialog with which you can specify a tag to attach to the selected Project. 

Set as Main Project 

Sets the selected Project as the main Project (top-level Projects only). This option has no functionality in Java CAPS 6. 

Open Required Projects 

Ensures that all other directly or indirectly referenced top-level CAPS Projects are also opened when the selected Project is opened (top-level Projects only). 


Closes the selected Project (top-level Projects only). 


Copies the selected Project and removes it from the current Project tree, after which you can paste it to another Project as a Subproject within the same branch (once only). All changes must be committed before you can cut the Project. Cut and paste is disabled for other users when you have the Project checked out.  


Copies the selected Project, after which you can paste it to other Projects as a Subproject within the same branch (multiple times). All changes must be committed before you can copy the Project. You can copy a Project even when another user has the Project checked out.  


Pastes a cut or copied component into the selected Project within the same branch (Projects are pasted as Subprojects). Pasting is disabled for other users when you have the Project checked out.  



Presents a dialog with which you can import an external file into the Project. 


Presents a dialog with which you can import a Project as a Subproject under the selected Project. 

Web Service Definition 

Presents a dialog with which you can import existing Web Service Definitions for defining a web service. 

XML Schema Definition 

Presents a dialog with which you can import existing XML Schema Definitions for defining a web service. 



Presents a dialog with which you can export the selected Project. 


Deletes the selected Project, subject to the following conditions: 

  • You have write privileges for the Project (see ACL Management, above).

  • The Project is not checked out by anyone other than yourself.

    If these conditions are true, a dialog is displayed in which you confirm that you want to delete the selected Project. Clicking Yes then deletes the Project.

    If the selected Project contains active Deployment Profiles, a dialog is displayed listing those deployments and requesting that you deactivate them. You must select deactivation to enable the Yes button.


Activates the field, allowing you to rename the selected Project. 

Note that all Project names should contain only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), dashes, and underscores. Blank spaces are not allowed.