Developing Java CAPS Projects

Deployment Profiles

Figure 22 Deployment Profile Icon

Image of a Deployment Profile Icon

Deployment profiles define how specific instances of a Project are deployed to a particular Environment, following the model shown in the following figure. A deployment profile contains information about the assignment of services and message destinations to application and message servers. It also contains version information for all relevant objects in the Project.

Figure 23 Java CAPS Implementation Model

Diagram of the Java CAPS integration model.

To create a new deployment profile, right-click on a Project under the Projects window to display its context menu. From the menu, select New > Deployment Profile. See Deploying Java CAPS Projects. To edit an existing deployment profile, select Open from its context menu. Either of these actions opens the Deployment Editor, where you can map Project components to the appropriate Environment components. See Project Component Context Menu for a list of menu options.