Developing Java CAPS Projects

Message Destinations

A message destination is a container for stored data, and can follow either the JMS topic or JMS queue model.

You can add a message destination to a Project by selecting the New > Queue or New > Topic option from the Project context menu under the Projectswindow. You can also drag a Queue or Topic icon from the Connectivity Map toolbar onto the canvas. Clicking the Generate Connectivity Map icon then adds the component to the Project in the Repository. See also Connectivity Maps.

Right-clicking the queue or topic under the Projects window displays its context menu. See Project Component Context Menu for a list of menu options.

As with other Project components, message destination names can contain alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), dashes, and underscores. The following special characters also can be used in message destination names: <, >, &, $, %. Blank spaces are not allowed.