Designing Data Integrator Projects

ProcedureTo Group Input Data

  1. Open the collaboration you want to edit.

  2. In the ETL Collaboration Editor, right-click the target table and click Properties.

    The Properties panel appears.

  3. Click the ellipsis button next to the Group By Expression property.

    The Group By Expression dialog box appears.

    Note –

    The Group By Expression option does not affect Upsert or Delete statements.

    Figure shows the Group By Expression window.
  4. Select a column to add to the group by expression, and then click Add Column/Expression.

  5. To add a HAVING clause, click Having.

    The Having Condition window appears.

    Figure shows the Having Condition window.
  6. Define the expression that a column must include to be grouped and click OK.

  7. Click OK on the Group By Expression dialog box.