Developing Sun Master Patient Indexes

Step 4: Define Master Index External Systems

The Systems file in the master index project defines one default source system for the master index application. You can define additional systems as needed or delete the default system. Before you begin this step, complete Step 2: Create a Master Index Database and User and, optionally, Step 3: Define Master Index Database Indexes.

ProcedureTo Define an External System

  1. Under the master index project in the Projects window, expand Database Scripts and then open the Systems file in the NetBeans editor.

  2. For each system, create an INSERT statement using the column descriptions in Master Index Database Table Description for sbyn_systems to define the VALUES clause.

    For example:

    INSERT into sbyn_systems (systemcode, description, status, id_length, 
    format, input_mask, value_mask, create_date, create_userid) VALUES (’ARS’, 
    ’Automated Registration System’, ’A’, 10, ’[0-9]{10}’, ’DDD-DDD-DDDD’, 
    ’DDD^DDD^DDDD’, sysdate, ”admin’);
  3. Delete any default INSERT statements you do not need.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Continue to Step 5: Define Master Index Code Lists.