Designing Business Processes in the Sun Business Process Manager

ProcedureTo automatically align or distribute modeling elements

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click and drag over a portion of the BP model to select the items you want to align or distribute.

    • Press the Control key and click the items you want to align or distribute.

  2. In the Business Process Designer toolbar, click Align or Distribute.

  3. From the menu that appears, select the type of automatic alignment or distribution you want to use.

    The options are described in Aligning and Distributing Modeling Elements.

  4. In the Enterprise Designer toolbar, click Save to save the new element placement.

    Menu Item 


    Align Left 

    Aligns elements vertically along their left edges. 

    Align Center 

    Aligns elements vertically through their centers. 

    Align Right 

    Aligns elements vertically along their right edges. 

    Align Top 

    Aligns elements horizontally along their top edges. 

    Align Middle 

    Aligns elements horizontally through their centers. 

    Align Bottom 

    Aligns elements horizontally along their bottom edges. 

    Distribute Horizontally 

    Distributes elements horizontally. 

    Distribute Vertically 

    Distributes elements vertically.