Monitoring Java EE Components

ProcedureTo View the Message Server Log File

  1. In the Explorer panel of Enterprise Manager, select the message server node (for example, IQ_Manager_18007 or Sun_JMQ_7676).

  2. Click the Logging tab.

    The log file appears.

  3. To filter the log messages for a specific log level and above, change the setting of the Log Level drop-down list and click the Search icon.

    For example, if you select the WARNING log level, then Enterprise Manager displays any WARNING and SEVERE log messages.

  4. To perform a regular expression search, use the Regexp Filter field.

    The search is case sensitive.

    You can enter multiple filters by using an ampersand (&). Here are two examples:

    INFO & MBean
    Project1 & Service1
  5. To change the number of lines that appear in each page, change the setting of the Lines/Page drop-down list and click the Search icon.

  6. To open the log messages in a new window, click the Detach Window icon.

  7. To search for a string in the log file, enter a string in the Search On Page For field and click the Find On a Page or Find All On a Page icon.

    The string must be at least three characters.

    The Clear Results icon enables you to remove the highlighting of the search results.