Monitoring Java CAPS Business Processes

Business Process Instance Monitor Overview

After you have configured BPM persistence, you can use Enterprise Manager to monitor your BP instances. The procedures in this section help ensure that BPs appear in Enterprise Manager as expected. From Enterprise Manager, you can:

Before you connect to Enterprise Manager, verify that the Adobe SVG Plug-in for Enterprise Manager is installed. Before you begin monitoring BPs, you must deploy and manage any necessary application servers in Enterprise Manager.

From the Enterprise Manager’s Business Process Instance Monitor tab, you can suspend, resume, and terminate BP instances. You can also refresh the BP instance lists, change monitoring options, filter BP instances, and view the BP instances and their associated BP instances in various ways.

The Business Process Instance Monitor page provides a set of toolbars for viewing and evaluating BP instances. Before you start monitoring BP instances, be sure to acquaint yourself with these tools.

Display Toolbar

The icons at the upper left of the Business Process Instance Monitor toolbar control the graphic display of BP instances as well as BP instance lists. describes each icon.

Table 1 Business Process Instance Monitor: Display Icons



Show Business Process Model

Displays the image of a BP instance in the Details window. 

Hide Business Process Model

Hides the image of a BP instance in the Details window. 

Show List of Business Process Instances

Displays the attributes of the current BP instance in list format, and adds the tools described in . You can only view information about a BP that has been configured for persistence. 

Hide List of Business Process Instances

Hides the attributes of the current BP instances and removes the instance tools from the interface. 

Business Process Model Toolbar

When Show Business Process Model is selected, a toolbar appears in the upper right of the Business Process Instance Monitor just beneath the main toolbar. This toolbar allows you to control the display of the graphic model of the BP instance. lists and describes the icons on the Business Process Model toolbar.

Table 2 Business Process Instance Monitor: Business Process Model Toolbar



Alert to Enable Monitoring

Alerts you to enable monitoring in the BPM Engine Configuration Properties in order to see BP activity status and details in the Business Process Instance Monitor. 

Enable Zoom and Pan

Enables zooming and panning of the BP instance view. 

Disable Zoom and Pan

Disables zooming and panning of the BP instance view. 

Zoom Out

Zooms out to a lower percentage view of the BP instance. 

Zoom In

Zooms in to a higher percentage view of the BP instance. 


Changes the percentage of the view to 100%. 

Fit All

Changes the percentage of the view so the entire BP instance fits in the Show Business Process Model panel. 

Fit Width

Changes the percentage of the view so that the width of the BP instance fits in the Show Business Process Model panel. 

Fit Height

Changes the percentage of the view so that the height of the BP instance fits in the Show Business Process Model panel. 

Business Process Instance Toolbar

When Show list of Business Process Instances is selected, you can manipulate the view of BP instance data using the icons described in . These icons are located at the right of the Business Process Instance Monitor toolbar.

Table 3 Business Process Instance Monitor: Business Process Instance Toolbar



Refresh list of Business Process Instances

Refreshes the entire BP instance list. 

Refresh Filtered list of Business Process Instances

Refreshes a filtered list of BP instances. 

Choose Preferences

Allows you to add, move, and sort the columns in the BP instance. 

Change Attribute Display Names

Allows you to change the display name of BP instance attributes. 


Suspends a BP instance. 


Resumes a suspended BP instance. 


Terminates a BP instance. 

Filter Business Process Instances

Allows you to set criteria to display a specific instance or group of instances. 

Business Process Instance Attributes

Displays the XML content of each BP instance attribute. 

Activity Details

Displays a dialog box with the details of the activity that is selected in the BP model, including the following information: 

  • Start Time

  • End Time

  • Status

  • Message input/output (XML viewer)

  • Exception content

    Each activity represents a step within the BP.

Go To Caller

Takes you to the calling BP instance, such as a parent BP. 

Go To Callee

Takes you to a called BP instance, such as a child BP. 


Displays a window with a legend of the colors used to show the status of a BP instance, as shown below.