Monitoring Java CAPS Business Processes

Monitoring Modified Business Processes

The following procedure provides the steps for monitoring a modified BP in Enterprise Manager.

Note –

This process involves rerunning the database script for the BP, which creates a new database table for the BP. After you perform these steps, the BP instance list only displays information about events that occurred after you redeployed the application.

ProcedureTo monitor a modified BP

  1. In the Enterprise Designer Project Explorer, check out the BP.

  2. Modify the BP as necessary.

  3. Save all changes.

  4. Check in the BP.

  5. Check out the BP.

  6. Run the database script again for the BP.

  7. Open the Deployment Profile, and rebuild and redeploy the Project.

  8. In a web browser, connect to Enterprise Manager and log in.

  9. In the Enterprise Manager Explorer, navigate to the correct Server, Project, Deployment Profile, and Connectivity Map containing the BP you want to monitor, and then click the BP name.

  10. In the Business Process Instance Monitor toolbar, click Show List of Business Process Instances.