Using Enterprise Manager Management Application in Java CAPS

ProcedureTo Automatically Install Components From the Repository

  1. In the Host Address field, enter the URL that is used to connect to the Repository.

    Note –

    For example, http://machine-name:port

  2. In the User Name field, enter the Repository user name.

    Note –

    The default User Name is admin

  3. In the Password field, enter the corresponding password.

    Note –

    The default Password is adminadmin

  4. Click Connect.

    The available management applications are displayed.

    Note –

    The list includes any management applications that are already installed.

    Figure 1–5 Available Management Applications

    Available Management Applications

  5. In the row that lists the application, select the check box.

    Note –

    You can select more than one check box. This enables you to install more than one application.

  6. Click Install.

    After the installation process is complete, the Results area indicates whether the installation is successful.