Loading the Initial Data Set for a Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Configure the Environment

  1. Complete the steps under Generating the Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool.

  2. If you are using a distributed processing environment, set up an FTP server on the master processor using the FTP provider of your choice.

  3. Install the database driver for the master index database platform on each processor running the IBML Tools.

  4. If you are using the SQL*Loader bulk loader to load the data, install SQL*Plus and SQL*Loader on the machines performing the load.

  5. If you are using the Data Integrator Bulk Loader instead of SQL*Loader to perform the load process, install NetBeans on the machines performing the load.

    Note –

    For information about using the Data Integrator Bulk Loader, see Loading the Matched Data Into the Master Index Database.

  6. Make sure the Java installation you are using matches the Java version used by the NetBeans installation that generated the Initial Bulk Match and Load Tool.

    Tip –

    To find the Java version for NetBeans, select Tools from the main menu and then select Java Platforms. To find the Java version you are using, type Java -version at a command prompt. If they do not match, either locate or install the correct version and change your PATH variable to point to the correct version.

  7. Continue to Creating the Cluster Synchronizer Database.