Loading the Initial Data Set for a Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Run the Bulk Match and Bulk Load in One Step

  1. Complete the steps under Performing a Match Analysis.

  2. From the master IBML Tool home directory, run cluster-truncate.sql against the cluster synchronizer database.

  3. For each IBML Tool, open loader-config.xml (located in the IBML Tool home directory in the conf subdirectory).

  4. Set the matchAnalyzerMode property to false and the BulkLoad property to true.

  5. Define the SQL*Loader property described in SQL*Loader Configuration.

  6. Verify that the rest of the properties are configured correctly, and then save and close the file.

  7. To generate the loader, do one of the following.

    • If the master loader is running on Windows:

      1. Navigate to the master IBML Tool home directory and open generate-sql-loader.bat for editing.

      2. Change the value of the JDBC_JAR_PATH variable in the first line to the location and name of the database driver for the master index database platform; for example, set JDBC_JAR_PATH=C:\oracle\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar.

      3. Close and save the file.

      4. Double-click generate-sql-loader.bat or type generate-sql-loader from a command line.

    • If the master loader is running on UNIX:

      1. Navigate to the master IBML Tool home directory and open sh generate-sql-loader.sh for editing.

      2. Change the value of the JDBC_JAR_PATH variable in the first line to the location and name of the database driver for the master index database platform; for example, export JDBC_JAR_PATH=${oracle_home}/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar.

      3. Close and save the file.

      4. Type sh generate-sql-loader.sh at the command line.

      A new directory named sqlldr is created in the working directory.

  8. For UNIX only, modify the permissions for the shell scripts in the new sqlldr directory by running the following command:

    chmod u+x *.sh

  9. In the master IBML Tool home directory, run cluster-truncate.sql against the master index database to clear the cluster synchronizer tables.

  10. In the sqlldr folder in the working directory, run drop.sql against the master index database to drop constraints and indexes.

  11. To configure and run the load process, do one of the following.

    • If the master loader is running on Windows:

      1. Navigate to the master IBML Tool home directory and open run-loader.bat for editing.

      2. Change the value of the JDBC_JAR_PATH variable in the first line to the location and name of the database driver for the master index database platform; for example, set JDBC_JAR_PATH=C:\oracle\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar.

      3. Close and save the file.

      4. Double-click run-loader.bat or type run-loader from a command line.

    • If the master loader is running on UNIX:

      1. Navigate to the master IBML Tool home directory and open run-loader.sh for editing.

      2. Change the value of the JDBC_JAR_PATH variable in the first line to the location and name of the database driver for the master index database platform; for example, export JDBC_JAR_PATH=${oracle_home}/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar.

      3. Close and save the file.

      4. Type sh run-loader.sh at the command line.

  12. Examine the log files to be sure no errors occurred during the match process, and check the files located in the masterIndex folder of your working directory to be sure all tables were populated.

    Tip –

    If for any reason you need to stop and restart this process, run truncate.sql in the sqlldr directory against the master index database before restarting the process.

  13. From the sqlldr directory, run create.sql against the master index database to reinstate the dropped indexes and constraints.