Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Selecting a Profile from the Results List

From the search results list, you can select one patient profile in order to view detailed information for that profile or you can select two patient profiles to compare the information in both profiles. You can also select one patient profile to compare different components of that profile.

ProcedureTo Select a Profile to View

  1. Perform a search for the patient profiles you want to view.

  2. To view detailed information for one patient profile, click the EUID of that profile.

    The View/Edit page appears, displaying the person object for that profile.

  3. To compare two patient profiles, select the check boxes to the left of each profile you want to compare, and then click Compare Records.

    The Comparison page appears, displaying a side-by-side comparison of the two profiles.

  4. To compare different components of one patient profile, select the check box to the left of the profile you want to view, and then click Compare Records.

    The Comparison page appears, displaying a side-by-side comparison of two instances of the same patient profile.

    Note –

    Once a comparison check box is selected in the search results list, it remains checked until you clear it. If you return to the Search Result page from the Comparison page, clear the selected check boxes before making another selection.