Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Patient Profile Details

When you select a profile on the Search Result page, detailed information about the selected patient appears on the View/Edit page. This page is divided into two sections. The left side of the page is a tree view that displays the EUID, the components of the SBR, and the components of each system record. You can select a component from the EUID tree to display detailed information about that component in the right portion of the page. The View/Edit page displays the selected patient’s identification, demographic, alias, and local ID information, and you can select an address, telephone number, auxiliary ID, or system record to view additional information. From the View/Edit page, you can perform several actions, such as viewing a transaction history for the patient, viewing potential duplicate profiles, deactivating the profile, updating patient information, and so on.

The Tree View

A tree view on the left side of the View/Edit page displays an outline of the profile, including the SBR and any associated system records. This is called the EUID tree.

Figure 14 Patient Profile Tree View

Graphic shows a patient profile in the tree structure

You can expand this tree view to view the different types of information contained in the SBR and in each system record. A plus sign (+) to the left of an item indicates that the item contains additional information. For addresses and telephone numbers, only the address or phone type appears in the tree; and for comments, only the comment code appears. For aliases, each alias name appears in the tree.

Figure 15 Expanded Patient Profile Tree View

Graphic shows a patient profile in tree structure view
with all levels expanded.

Information Fields

The right side of the View/Edit page displays detailed information about the item that is selected in the EUID tree. For example, selecting an address type under the SBR entry in the EUID tree displays the detailed information for that address type in the SBR. Selecting “Person” under a source system record in the EUID tree displays demographic information for that patient as it is stored in that system record. The information contained in a patient’s system record might be different from that stored in the patient’s SBR.

By default, you can view the selected patient’s demographic, alias, address, telephone, auxiliary ID, and local ID information for both the SBR and associated system records. For more information about patient profiles, see Learning about Patient Profiles).