Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Audit Log Functions on the Patient EDM

The audit log creates an audit entry whenever data is accessed through the Patient EDM. The following table lists and describes each audit log function. Some of these functions refer to the actual viewing of data on an Patient EDM page; others refer to an action taken against that data, such as clicking the merge or unmerge Confirm button or resolving a potential duplicate pair.

Table 16 Audit Log Function Descriptions

Audit Log Function 



A user added a new patient profile to the database from the Create System Record page or by reversing an assumed match. 

Associated Potential Duplicates

A user viewed profile summaries on the Associated Records page of a potential duplicate search. 

Assumed Match Comparison

A user viewed two assumed match profiles on the Assumed Match page. 

Assumed Match Search Result

A user viewed the results of a search for assumed matches. 

Auto Resolve

A user permanently resolved two potential duplicate records on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page. 

EO Comparison

A user viewed two patient profiles on the Comparison page. 

EO Search Result

A user viewed profile summaries on the Search Results page after performing a search for patient profiles. 

EO View/Edit

A user viewed a patient profile on the View/Edit page. 

EUID Merge Confirm

A user initiated a merge of two patient profiles. This function refers to when the user views the merge result prior to clicking Confirm. 

EUID Unmerge

A user finalized an unmerge of two patient profiles. 

EUID Unmerge Confirm

A user initiated an unmerge of two patient profiles. This function refers to when the user views the unmerge result prior to clicking Confirm. 

History Comparison

A user compared the before and after image of a patient profile on the Transaction History Comparison page. 

History Search Result

A user viewed the results of a transaction history search on the Transaction History Search Results page. 

LID Merge - Selection

A user initiated a merge of two system records. This function refers to when the user has selected LID Merge but has not finalized the merge. 

LID Merge Confirm

A user finalized a merge of two system records. 

LID Unmerge

A user finalized an unmerge of two system records. 

LID Unmerge Confirm

A user initiated an unmerge of two system records. This function refers to when the user views the unmerge result record prior to clicking Confirm. 

Matching Review Search Result

A user viewed the results of a search for potential duplicates. 


A user finalized a merge of two patient profiles or two system records. 

Merge Tree Comparison

A user viewed a merge tree. This function appears for each patient profile included in the merge tree. 

Potential Duplicate Comparison

A user viewed two patient profiles on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page. 


A user resolved two potential duplicate records on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page. 

Undo Assumed Match

A user reversed an assumed match. 

Unmerge Comparison

A user initiated an unmerge of two system records or two patient profiles. This function refers to when the user views the unmerge result record prior to clicking Confirm. 


A user changed the status two patient profiles on the Potential Duplicate Comparison page from Resolved to Unresolved. 


A user modified a profile on the View/Edit window. Updates include any changes made to a profile, including activating and reactivating system records, adding or removing child objects, and so on. 

View Merge Tree

A user viewed a merge tree.