Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

About the Patient EDM Search Function

By default, the Person Search tab includes four different search pages: Simple Person Lookup, Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha), Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic), and Comparison Lookup. The design of the search functionality provides flexibility in designing database queries. You can narrow a search for a specific patient or a range of patients using various search fields located on the search pages. You can enter search criteria on the Advanced Person Lookup pages and then view your search results on the Search Result page. When you select a specific patient from the Search Result page, detailed information for that patient appears on the View/Edit page.

The Simple Person Lookup Page

The Simple Person Lookup page of the Person Search function allows you to perform lookups using unique identifiers to find a specific patient profile. By default, the unique identifiers you can use as search criteria include the EUID, local ID and system, or social security number (SSN) . When you perform this type of search, the Search Result page is generally bypassed and the View/Edit page appears displaying information about the matching profile. An exception to this is when different patient profiles contain the same or very similar SSNs. Performing a search for one of these profiles brings up the Search Result page with a list of matching profiles.

The Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha) Page

The Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha) page of the Person Search function allows you to perform searches against the database using a combination of demographic and address fields as criteria. The patient profiles returned by these searches are not assigned a matching probability weight to indicate how closely they match the search criteria. The searches performed on this page are exact match searches, meaning that they only return profiles that exactly match the criteria you specify. The only exceptions are street address fields, which are parsed and standardized before searching for matching profiles. Most fields in this search allow wildcard characters if the exact value is unknown.

The Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic) Page

The Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic) page of the Person Search function allows you to perform searches against the database using predefined combinations of demographic and address fields as criteria. The patient profiles returned by these searches are assigned a matching probability weight to indicate how closely they match the search criteria. The searches performed on this page are not exact match searches, allowing for misspellings and for nicknames. They do not support wildcard characters.

The Comparison Lookup Page

The Comparison Lookup page of the Person Search function allows you to perform a search for multiple patient profiles by entering their EUIDs. You can then select two of the resulting records to view on the Comparison page. Use this type of search if you want to compare patient profiles and you know the EUIDs of the patient profiles to compare.

The Search Result Page

The Search Result page of the Person Search function displays a list of patient profiles found in the database that closely match the search criteria you entered. The results list appears in a table, with the number of profiles returned for the search displayed above the table. This page displays information to help you identify the patient profile, such as the EUID, name, date of birth, address information, and status. This page also displays a list of the search criteria entered for the search that returned the displayed list. For more information about search results and the Search Result page, see Working with Search Results on the Patient EDM.