Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Types of Searches on the Patient EDM

There are several different methods of searching for patients, depending on the search criteria you enter. The search pages of the Person Search function are organized into different sections that allow you to perform different types of searches based on specific categories of criteria. On the Simple Person Lookup page, you can only perform one type of search at a time, using the fields from only one search section.

Note –

The names of the search types are configurable. Searches are described below by their default names and by their default search criteria. See your system administrator if you have questions about how your search pages are configured.

EUID Lookup

You can perform an EUID Lookup using the field in the Enterprise Unique ID section of the Simple Person Lookup page. Enter the patient’s EUID number to perform an exact match search against the database.

Social Security Number Lookup

A Social Security Number Lookup is used to perform an exact match search against the database using the patient’s social security number (SSN) for search criteria. This type of search is performed in the SSN section of the Simple Person Lookup page.

Local ID Lookup

The Local ID section of the Simple Person Lookup page consists of two required fields, System and Local ID. To increase search accuracy, you can only select a system listed in the drop-down list and the Local ID field is case-sensitive. The name of this section is configurable and might have been modified for your implementation. See your system administrator for more information.

Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha)

You can perform an alphanumeric search on the Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha) page, using a combination of demographic and address fields as criteria. Using a combination of required and optional fields, you can form a search as precise or general as you prefer. An alphanumeric search looks for profiles that exactly match the criteria as you entered it, without allowing for misspellings or typographic errors. You can use wildcard characters (a percent sign to indicate multiple unknown characters). This type of search also supports searching on a range of values, such as a range of dates for a date of birth.

Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic)

The Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic) function differs from the alphanumeric lookup in that it returns phonetic variations of the entered name or street address, allowing room for misspellings and typographic errors. Name and address criteria for phonetic searches are not sensitive to case or to diacritical marks. You can include any combination of address fields in the search, and you can perform partial searches on the street address by only entering the street name. An address search uses the parsed street address field components and the phonetic version of the street name. By default, you can only search on the following data combinations; however, your system might be configured for different combinations.

The Patient EDM only searches on the above combinations that have complete data. For example, if Last Name, First Name, DOB, and Gender are entered as criteria, only the first and fifth combinations are carried out. The returned result set would include any records that match on first and last name or that match on first name, date of birth, and gender. If only First Name is entered as search criteria, no records are returned since it does not fulfill any of the combination requirements.

Comparison Lookup

The Comparison Lookup function provides a simple way to search for two or more records to compare in a side-by-side comparison. You can enter up to five EUIDs as search criteria, and all records matching any of the specified EUIDs are returned.