Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

Searching by Ranges on the Patient EDM

Your system administrator can configure the search pages to allow you to enter a range by which to search for certain fields. For example, you might want to search for profiles with a specific first and last name but with a date of birth that falls within a five-year range. If a field is defined for searching by a user-defined range, the Patient EDM displays a “from” field and a “to” field so you can specify the range (for example, “Date From” and “Date To”). If you only enter a value in the “from” field, the Patient EDM searches for profiles with a value greater than or equal to that value. If you only enter a value in the “to” field, the Patient EDM searches for profiles with a value less than or equal to that value.

Ranges can also be defined as the entered value plus or minus a specific value. For example, a date field can be configured to search for dates that fall within a range five years earlier than the date you enter and five years later than the date you enter. Finally, ranges can be defined as specific upper and lower limits. These limits are used when no value is entered. For example, if you perform a search without the date, the Patient EDM searches between the defined lower and upper limits. If you enter only a ”from’ date, the Patient EDM searches between the date you entered and the defined upper limit. For more information about how your system has been configured for range searching, see your system administrator.