Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

About Transaction History Search Fields on the Patient EDM

The fields located on the Transaction History Search page allow you to specify search criteria for the transactions you want to view. Note that the “Lookup By Local ID” section is customizable and might have been changed for your implementation.

Table 11 Transaction History Search Fields

In this field … 

type or select ... 

Lookup By Local ID Section



The system in which the local ID is known. 

Local ID

The local ID corresponding to the record you want to find and the system selected in the previous field. This field name might be different for your implementation. 

Search Criteria Section



The patient’s enterprise-wide unique identifier assigned by the master index application. 


The type of transaction that caused the patient’s profile to change. See Table 13 for more information about transaction types.

From Date

The beginning date for the search. The query is performed for transactions that fall between the From Date and To Date. 

From Time

The beginning time for the search using 24-hour notation. The query is performed for transactions that fall between the From Time and To Time on the specified dates. If no time is entered, the default value is 00:01 (12:01 A.M.). 

To Date

The ending date for the search. 

To Time

The ending time for the search using 24-hour notation. If no time is entered, the default value is 24:00. 

System User

The login ID of the user who performed the transaction for which you are searching.