Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

ProcedureTo Compare twoPatient Profiles

  1. Perform a search for the patient profiles you want to compare, as described in Searching for Patient Profiles.

    Note –

    If you know the EUIDs of the patient profiles to compare, use the Comparison Lookup to retrieve those profiles.

  2. On the search results list, select the check boxes to the left of the two patient profiles you want to compare.

    Figure 28 Selecting Two Profiles to Compare

    Figure shows search results with two profiles selected
for a comparison.

  3. In the first cell of the results table, click Compare Records.

    The Comparison page appears with SBR information displayed with any differences between the two profiles highlighted.

  4. To view and compare different types of information, select the type of information you want to view from the EUID trees on both sides of the page (for more information, review the instructions and field descriptions under Viewing Patient Profiles).

    Note –

    If you select different types of information from the two sides, differences are not highlighted (for example, if you view SBR address data on one side and system record address data on the other side; or if you view SBR address data on one side and SBR phone data on the other).

  5. To merge patient information, do either of the following: