Working With the EDM for Sun Master Patient Index

ProcedureTo View Telephone Numbers

  1. Using one of the search methods described in Searching for Patient Profiles, display the patient profile you want to view on the View/Edit page.

  2. To view a telephone number in the SBR:

    1. In the EUID tree in the left portion of the page, expand SBR.

    2. Under SBR, expand Phone.

    3. Under Phone, click the phone type for the telephone number you want to view.

      The Phone view appears.

  3. To view a telephone number in a system record:

    1. In the EUID tree in the left portion of the page, expand the system and local ID you want to view.

    2. Under the expanded system and local ID, expand Phone.

    3. Under Phone, click the phone type for the telephone number you want to view.

      The Phone view appears.

    For information about the fields on this page, see About Telephone Fields on the Patient EDM.