Configuring WebLogic for Asynchronous Communications

ProcedureTo Stop and Restart the Startup and Shutdown Classes

  1. Click on Lock & Edit in the Change Center to modify the settings for the SunMicrosystems_Startup.

  2. Stop and Restart the server by completing the following steps,

    1. Click Servers from the left navigation panel.

    2. Click on exampleServer(admin) (or the new server instance) from the right panel of the screen.

      This displays the Settings for the exampleServer page.

    3. Click Control tab.

      • The Start/Stop tab is the default selection on this screen.

        Note –

        Use this page to change the state of the current server. You can specify particular shutdown settings or view the current status of this server.

        Click Save if you have modified any settings.

      • Select When work completes (under the Server Status) from the Shutdown drop-down menu.

        This action shuts down the server.

    4. To restart the server from the Windows Programs menu, select BEA Products, point to Examples, choose WebLogic Server, and then select Start Examples Server.

      Note –

      For Example, WebLogic Server Examples and Launch WebLogic Server Examples.

    5. Enter User Name and Password, when prompted.

      If the startup class is successfully invoked, you should see the following text in the Start Server command window:

      weblogicstartup - Sun Microsystems startup class invoked - SunMicrosystems_Startup
      weblogicstartup - Topic name: Topic.Sample3
      weblogicstartup - Topic name: Topic.Sample2
      weblogicstartup - Topic name: Topic.Sample1
      weblogicstartup - Queue name: Queue.Sample3
      weblogicstartup - Queue name: Queue.Sample2
      weblogicstartup - Queue name: Queue.Sample1
      weblogicstartup - Successfully invoked Sun Microsystems startup.
  3. Start the Administration Console.