Configuring Sun Master Indexes

ProcedureTo Define Fields to be Standardized (Configuration Editor)

  1. In the Projects window, right-click the Configuration node in the project you want to modify, and then click Edit.

    The Configuration Editor appears.

  2. In the object structure in the left pane, create the fields that will contain the parsed components of the new field to be standardized.

    For more information, see Adding a Field to the Master Index Object Structure.

  3. Click the Standardization tab.

    The Standardization page appears.

  4. Click Add.

    The Standardization Type dialog box appears.

  5. Enter values for the Data Type, Domain Selector, and Variant Field Name fields (these are described in Master Index Normalization and Standardization Structure Properties.

  6. To define a variant for the standardization engine to use, do the following:

    1. In the Variants section, Click Add.

    2. On the Variant dialog box, enter values in the fields described in Master Index Variants Properties.

    3. Click OK.

      If you selected the multiple domain selector, you can add multiple variants; otherwise, you can define one default variant and one defined variant.

  7. Under Source Fields to be Standardized, click Add.

    The Select Source Field(s) dialog box appears.

  8. In the left panel, select the field that contains the data that needs to be parsed and normalized, and then click the right arrow.

    Note –

    If the data is contained in more than one field, select all fields that contain the data. For example, a street address might be contained in two fields, such as Street Address and Unit. Both fields should be selected for standardization; they will be concatenated during the standardization process.

  9. If you add a field in error, select the field in the Selected Source Field(s) list, and then click the left arrow.

  10. Click OK.

  11. For each field in which the parsed and normalized data will be stored, do the following:

    1. On the Standardized Fields dialog box, click Add under Target Mappings.

      The Target Mapping dialog box appears.

    2. In the Select Target field, select the name of a field that will contain standardized data.

    3. In the Available Standardization Components list, select the ID associated with the field, and then click Add between the left and right panels.

    4. To change the priority of a component in the Selected Standardization Components list, select the component and then click Move Up or Move Down.

    5. If you add a component in error, select the component in the Selected Standardization Components list, and then click Remove.

    6. Click OK.

      Note –

      For more information about standardization components and the fields to which they pertain, see Understanding the Master Index Standardization Engine.

  12. Click OK on the Standardization Type dialog box.

    The new standardization definition appears in the list.

  13. On the Configuration Editor toolbar, click Save.