Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options

Master Index edm.xml File

Configuration of the appearance and certain processing properties of the MIDM is contained in midm.xml. In this file, you define each object and field that appears on the MIDM, along with the properties of each field, such as the field type and length, field labels, format masks, and so on. You can also define the order in which objects and fields appear on the MIDM pages.

This file defines several additional properties of the MIDM, including the types of searches available, whether wildcard characters can be used, the criteria for the searches, and the results fields that appear. You can also specify whether an audit log is maintained of each instance data is accessed through the MIDM. For healthcare-based master index applications, this supports the privacy rules mandated by the HIPAA regulation for healthcare. This file also includes the configuration of the reports generated from the MIDM.

Finally, midm.xml defines certain implementation information, such as the application server in use, debugging rules, and security activation.

The files that configure the components of the master index application are created by the wizard and define characteristics of the application, such as how data is processed, queried, and matched, and how it appears on the Master Index Data Manager (MIDM). These files configure the runtime components of the master index application.