Working With the Master Index Data Manager

About Assumed Matches Search Fields

The fields located on the Assumed Matches search page allow you to specify information about the assumed match profiles you want to view.

Table 8 Assumed Matches Search Fields

In this field … 

type or select ... 


The enterprise-wide unique identification number of the profile you want to view. 


The external system with which the object profile that caused the assumed match is associated. 

Local ID

The local ID associated with the object profile in the specified system. The name of this field might be different for your implementation. 

Create Date From

A beginning create date for the profiles you want to view. The query is performed for transactions that were created between the Create Date From (and Create Time From) and the To Create Date (and To Create Time). 

To Create Date

The ending create date for the profiles you want to view. 

Create Time From

The beginning create time for the profiles you want to view (using 24-hour notation). If no time is entered, the default value is 00:01 (12:01 A.M.). 

To Create Time

The ending create time for the profiles you want to view (using 24-hour notation). If no time is entered, the default value is 24:00.