Working With the Master Index Data Manager

About Assumed Match Results Fields on the MIDM

The fields located in the assumed match results list help you to identify an assumed match transaction to display on the Assumed Matches comparison page. The fields described in the following table always appear in the results list, but the list can be configured to include additional fields.

Table 9 Assumed Match Results Fields

This field … 

displays this information … 


The assumed match ID of the transaction that caused the assumed match. 


The enterprise-wide unique identification number of the object profile that was updated by the assumed match. 


The matching probability weight between the updated profile and the record that caused the assumed match. 


The system with which the record that caused the assumed match is associated. 

Local ID

The local ID in the above system for the record that caused the assumed match. The name of this field might be different for your implementation. 

Create User

The login ID of the user who added the profile that created the assumed match. 

Create Date

The date and time the transaction that caused the assumed match occurred.